Wednesday 17 February 2016

LOVING YOURSELF (being me pt 3)

Do you know the amazing thing? A lot of people abuse drugs but do not go mad or die but how will you know if you are the one that will fall victim or not? You don’t know. Safe thing-stay clear.

 A lot of people make crazy choices and still get by; however, you don’t have a statistics of how these things play out so take care of you. 
"what is all this noise about drug abuse? check out the statistics of those
who abused drugs and other substancs and aadvice your self.

In the midst of the partying and drinking, ensure that you are making the right decisions 

 for your future. You owe yourself that much.
You won’t always be a teenager or a young person.
Let the decisions you make today take care
of you tomorrow.

 Guess what? In the midst of all this craziness and noise and vanity, you can make the right decisions; you can hear the voice of wisdom; you can be you. Separate yourself from the noise then you can hear yourself; and when you hear yourself, wisdom will speak to you. I have a brother who is still going through the rage of teen age. 

Sometimes, he comes back drunk, throw up, mess up the house and get sick. Some occasions, he would come back so late, getting everyone worried. At other times, he would raise his voice at the adults in the house or blatantly refuse to do his assigned house chore. He also got into smoking a bit. We always talk to him about the dangers of drinking so much-he could have liver problem, become a drunkard, get into trouble with the authorities and all that. He would change and then resume the cycle. One day he came to me and said he was tired of living that way. These are his words-“I’ve realized that there’s actually no profit in living this way. I think my major reason for living like this is my friends. I don’t want them to think I’m different or I’m still acting like a child.” I was totally amazed. As the days went by, I saw him make adjustments and take his academics more seriously. He still makes mistakes now and then, but he is determined to change. He separated himself from the crowd and the noise and was finally able to decide who he wants to be. You should do the same too. Being yourself is a gift. It sets you free to be the best. It enables you to love yourself, to love your life and to love your decisions whether good or wrong (you learn from the wrong decisions). It makes people comfortable in your presence and desire to be their best.  So would you?


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